samedi 21 novembre 2015

Assassin's Heart by Sarah Ahiers

Book blurb:
In the kingdom of Lovero, nine rival Families of assassins lawfully kill people for a price. As a highly skilled member of one of these powerful clans, seventeen-year-old Lea Saldana has always trusted in the strength of her Family. Until she awakens to find them murdered and her home in flames. The Da Vias, the Saldanas’ biggest enemy, must be responsible—and Lea should have seen it coming. But her secret relationship with the Da Vias’ son, Val, has clouded her otherwise killer instinct—and given the Da Vias more reason than ever to take her Family down. Racked with guilt and shattered over Val’s probable betrayal, Lea sets out to even the score, with her heart set on retaliation and only one thought clear in her mind: make the Da Vias pay."

My review:

A few months ago, I began to read a digital ARC of this AMAZING book. I am so excited to know all your thoughts about it once it is released on February 2nd 2016. I recommend it to all fantasy and Young adult lovers. 

I was fascinated from the start by this story. It pulled me in and I couldn't stop until I've reached the last page. And even after that, I wanted more. The world created by the author was great and I would love to read another book from her. It was quick and easy to read because of its fast pace. It was full of intrigue and action so you won't get bored. It was about family and revenge. There was also a sweet touch of romance in it but it really wasn't focused on that and it didn't feel forced, so this was a good point. 

Oleander Saldana is one strong and capable heroine and I am not going to forget her anytime soon, that's for sure! She is an assassin (it's written in the title, duh) and I loved when she fought and used her skills. I hope you will enjoy her character as much as I did ! I liked the ending but I'm not sure if there will be a sequel and I really would like to have more of these characters. Overall, you need to get your hands on a copy of this incredible fantasy book. 

PS: Look at that cover, isn't it so beautiful ? I would absolutely love having it on my bookshelf. 

***I wanted to thank HarperTeen for letting me read and review this book.***

You can find it on Goodreads: here